Services This Week

Our Regular Sunday Worship Services are :

St. Mary's,  Rectory Rd., Hawkwell, Essex  SS5 4LL : 9:15am

Emmanuel, Main Rd., Hawkwell, Essex      SS5 4NR : 11am


Order of Service for Sunday 23rd March 2025 9:15am & 11am here

Emmanuel Service Livestream 11am on 23rd March  here 

CVM Recording of "How are you really?" here

4th Sunday Evening - Prayer & Praise at Emmanuel: 6pm 

(The next Sunday's Order of Service is normally available  by Thursday afternoon of the previous week) 

Previously recorded Sunday Services are available here

The service content is the same in both of our churches on a Sunday morning.  St. Mary's tends to be a little more formal;replica watches uk but both encourage free expression in Worship and Prayer. 

Hawkwell Parish Church Office,
St. Mary's Church, Rectory Rd, Hawkwell,
Essex, SS5 4LL

Telephone - 0I702 5435I4

Email -

Registered Charity No. II28453

We are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s and Emmanuel, Hawkwell are safe places for all.
For further information, please go to our

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