Missions that we support in Prayer & Financially

Care For the Family

Care for the Family seeks to strengthen family life and help those who face family difficulties. Their work focusses on the UK and the Isle of Man, but increasingly through digital technology, they are reaching a wider audience. 

They work primarily in the following areas of family life: marriage, parenting and bereavement. Their aim is to be accessible to every family whatever their circumstances and to create resources and support that are preventative, evidence-based and easy to apply.

Church Pastoral Aid Society

Church Pastoral Aid Society 
The CPAS works with churches across Ireland and the United Kingdom. Its aim is to "enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus". Its activities include the Growing Leaders suite of resources, the Arrow Leadership Programme, weekends, and a range of events and resources for youth and children's leaders. 

CPAS is responsible for Ventures and Falcon Camps, which are holidays for 8-18s. Falcon Camps are subsidised holidays for young people who might not otherwise be able to go on holiday. CPAS also has responsibility (sole or shared) for around 690 patronages of Anglican churches up and down the country, and seeks to fill vacant incumbency posts with evangelical leaders.

Scripture Union

Scripture Union is a charity committed to inviting children to explore Jesus. They do this in a variety of ways, such as school based Christian Unions, producing Bible notes and running Christian activity holidays.


Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in the world's poorest countries. Tearfund tackles poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. 

 Thousands of people suffer and die each day because of poverty. This is not God's plan for our world. God is calling all of us to reach out to people in greatest need.orologi replica Tearfund believe an end to extreme poverty is possible. 

St Mary's & Emmanuel, Hawkwell has a long history supporting Tearfund. We have a team of Ambassadors who meet regularly to pray for Tearfund, plan services and special events i.e. The Big Quiz Night.

Transform Europe Network

Transform Europe Network (TEN) is a Christian charity working in 12 countries, mainly in Eastern Europe, through 60 partner organisations and pastors to engage in church based holistic mission - evangelism, church planting, social action, humanitarian aid and education. A copy of TEN's interesting and commendably simple impact report can be found at Impact Report.

Southend Foodbank

Southend Food Bank don't think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That's why they provide three days nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks,replicas relojes supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
We, as a church, support the local distribution centre at Hawkwell Baptist Church by gifts of food and some of our members are involved in the distribution centre itself.


We are a Traidcraft Church - supporting and implementing Fair Trade within our Church.

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child
For many years we as a congregation packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Several church members then helped at the Rayleigh Depot sorting the boxes ready for them to be sent to under privileged children around the world. 

In 2020 due to Covid restrictions we became a pop up, drop off centre in Emmanuel Church Hall accepting packed boxes from the community. This proved to be so successful that in 2021 we were asked by the organisers to repeat it on a grander scale. Our site was put on the O.C.C. web site so we received shoeboxes direct from businesses and the public and from a wider area.

Hawkwell Parish Church Office,
St. Mary's Church, Rectory Rd, Hawkwell,
Essex, SS5 4LL

Telephone - 0I702 5435I4

Email - office@hawkwellparishchurch.org

Registered Charity No. II28453

We are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s and Emmanuel, Hawkwell are safe places for all.
For further information, please go to our

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