Opportunities to Serve

At Hawkwell we stress the importance of 'every member ministry' and believe that when we make a decision to follow Christ Jesus, God calls us into a ministry of Service to Him and one another, both within and outside of the church.

If you feel God is calling  you to a particular aspect of service please speak with the Rector and he will be more than happy to pray this through with you. 

In addition to the above. The following practical ways of service are needed at present. Please contact the designated person if this is something with which you can help. 


Task needing assistanceWho?
Never think that you can do nothing - The most important thing to remember is the power of Prayer!   -  PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!
Speak to GOD
Assist with putting out toys etc for Tiddlywinks - Tuesdays at 4:30pm Emmanuel Church.
Church Office
Assistance with Jim Robinson's guidance  on keeping Churchyard at St Mary's tidy and keeping the lawns cut.Church Office
Every Monday we are now offering a  'Pop-In' at Emmanuel Church hall.  We need people to be there both to host, sit and chat with people and join in the activities. If you can help please let Church Office know.Church Office
Keep an eye on the Welcome Packs on the Welcome Desks - If out of date or run out let Church Office know!Church Office
Any offers of help in Service Preparations. Would you be willing to go on the Rotas at Emmanuel or St Mary's Dave Deedman
Is anyone interested in volunteering to ensure the Website is kept up to date?Church Office
Assist with the production of the Monthly Church Newsletter at Church Office? Church Office
Be there as a substitute to update WEP System for Church Service display?Church Office

Hawkwell Parish Church Office,
St. Mary's Church, Rectory Rd, Hawkwell,
Essex, SS5 4LL

Telephone - 0I702 5435I4

Email - office@hawkwellparishchurch.org

Registered Charity No. II28453

We are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s and Emmanuel, Hawkwell are safe places for all.
For further information, please go to our

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