Coffee Mornings at Emmanuel & St. Mary's

Catering TeamCatering Team

Everyone is welcome to join in the laughter and friendship at our regular Coffee Mornings.  Relax with a good cup of tea or coffee - all Fairtrade - and a lovely homemade cake.  Chat with old friends, bring your friends and neighbours, make new friends.  We'd love to see you there and get to know you. 

This is a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have about God or Jesus or faith.  We would be delighted to chat with you and tell you how Jesus can change your life, not for the better but for the best.

Details of times and location are below:

We are currently meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 10am and finishing around 11:30am at Emmanuel Church.

The format is very informal and you can come and go as and when you like!

We tend to have a very short 'thought for the day' presented by our Rector,fake uhren Curate or one of the team.

At table on Coffee Morning

Cakes at Coffee Morning

Another Table At Coffee Morning

It is hoped within the foreseeable future we will return to St Mary's also that meets on the First Tuesday of the month at 10am - 12 noon.

We do not charge at either of these venue but have a 'piggy bank' style  cup-cake on the tables if you would like to contribute towards the cost.

Hawkwell Parish Church Office,
St. Mary's Church, Rectory Rd, Hawkwell,
Essex, SS5 4LL

Telephone - 0I702 5435I4

Email -

Registered Charity No. II28453

We are committed to ensuring that St Mary’s and Emmanuel, Hawkwell are safe places for all.
For further information, please go to our

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